Poiesis Life Writing: Van Gogh’s Chair

“Ferry Building Gallery Renovation” Phone Photo, DS

At first, I did a bit of word play. I tried on the idea of calling this blog series ‘Posies Life Collection’ like each post would be a kind of bouquet for the reader (noun, plural po·sies).

  1. a flower, nosegay, or bouquet.
  2. Archaic. a brief motto or the like, as one inscribed within a ring.)

Years ago, I painted a large self-portrait of a girl standing in her back yard with argyle-style grass. She wore one of my favourite childhood dresses, white, smocked, with tiny turquoise, pink, violet, diamond shapes all over. In her hand she held a posy of sweet peas; her gift to the world. Perhaps these posts are like sweet peas, small, fragrant, pale pink and aubergine, with green leaves and swirls going upward to the light.

Then I came across the word, poiesis, the blooming of a blossom. These words from my experience and from others would convey the hope of blooming, even of planting seeds of hope to bloom later in this time of post pandemic. Yes, my poems are what I have to offer the world, the poieses  (meaning: production, formation) of my life collected here.

Van Gogh’s Chair

Van Gogh’s booked chair so

Rare in bedrooms now

France their home or

As remembered somehow not

European perhaps spread

Indeed to Scotland

Chair of childhood

Actually a stool beige

Thatched no green

Growing with me

Seen fire front

Warming chilblained

Ten year kilted legs

Thinking of better

Days now here and 

Almost gone

Artist’s seat thinking

Symbolled by colour

And beauty


Earless and old

Sits with me as

I paint

The existence of both.

Life Poiesis Collection: Autumn Trees at the Gallery

“Behind the Ferry Building Gallery” photo, DS

 referred to poiesis as a “bringing-forth”, or physis as emergence. Examples of poiesis are the blooming of the blossom, the coming-out of a butterfly from a cocoon, and the plummeting of a waterfall when the snow begins to melt; the last two analogies underline Heidegger’s example of a threshold occasion, a moment of ecstasis when something moves away from its standing as one thing to become another.


Poems, poems, poems have been multiplying in the folder. They are being dusted off and presented now. They are written from life either happened or imagined. Some may have a different writer.

Autumn Trees at The Gallery 

Group of Seven you

Are in heaven


One I know so

Young yielded to the

Undertow of row boat

Evil unexpected

Artists painting blue

Remote unyielding

Wilderness of north

This image scarlet orange

And olive trees brown


Never seen by

Most of us

Calm grey

Green waters yellow sky

Serene beauty

Unseen but

By aboriginals

We glimpse

The painters’

Gifts to us

Our country 

Guarded rewarded tall

Speaks to us

In it’s colourful

Silence we clap

Alone together.

Deborah Stephan